Monday, May 31, 2010


So a few years ago I went to Eastern Wash. University’s homecoming weekend. My dear friend Isidra and I started the day off like anyone would attending a homecoming weekend…porn stars in slurpie cups sitting in her car in front of a bar. Eventually we decided to actually go into the bar where we met some EWU alums. One of the guys, I can’t remember his name anymore, began to tell me how I haven’t lived life to the fullest because I have never a.) done something spontaneous like drop my pants in the middle of a bar and b.) been splashed. So I ask the guy, what exactly is splashing? He immediately threw me on the couch we were standing in front of and jumped on top of me, in the bar. I never talked to him again or figured out what exactly "splashing" is. I still find it hilarious my friends that were in the bar did nothing but watch as I was being it was normal. I am still working on the whole dropping my pants in the middle of the bar thing. Only then will my life be complete.

Song of the day: “Break The Ice” by Britney Spears…because it's Britney B&*ch!

*Disclaimer: Porn Star is an alcoholic beverage, we are NOT porn stars.

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