I just got back from San Francisco a few days ago and had a fantastic time! It was great to explore the city and take everything in. One of my favorite parts about San Fran is how diverse, open and free everyone seems to be.
Example #1
We went Doloros Park to have some lunch and these 2 men were laying out in the park in their underwear, the same park where children were playing, people were eating and walking their dogs.
Example #2
We were walking downtown when this guy rode up in his pimped out bike. Oblivious to it being any different from any other bike riding down the street.
I think this is pretty awesome, and hope someday I can be just as free with myself and who I am as the people I saw in San Francisco.
Song of the trip: Money Can't Buy You Class by Luann from Real Housewives of NY..listen to it once and it will be stuck in you head for days!
I saw a dude yesterday on a blinged out bike. It looked more like a motorcycle and he had a motorcycle helmet and leathers on as he rode through the crosswalk at five-corners.